Roasted Peanuts, Takara, Wasabi Flavor 30g.(12 sachets)


Roasted Peanuts, Wasabi flavor, fragrant, crispy, satisfying, does not use oil, maintains the nutritional value of peanuts completely

because through modern production methods, meticulous in every step Makes it taste fresh, fragrant, mellow, delicious.

easy to find anytime, anywhere Just tear the envelope, crispy seaweed, Takara brand.

good value from the sea

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Takara Roasted Peanuts Wasabi Flavor

Roasted Peanuts, Wasabi flavor, fragrant, crispy, satisfying, does not use oil, maintains the nutritional value of peanuts completely

because through modern production methods, meticulous in every step Makes it taste fresh, fragrant, mellow, delicious.

easy to find anytime, anywhere Just tear the envelope, crispy seaweed, Takara brand.

good value from the sea